American author & financial advisor

Every man and woman has chosen the "Everest" he or she wants to climb in life. Many who have tried climbing without a guide have discovered how treacherous the journey can be.


Your Clients for Life

Each person's life is a continuum of unique experiences.


Your Clients for Life

Tags: life

Anthropologists studying peoples deep within the Amazon came across a tribe that had an unusually high mortality rate and short life expectancy. They studied the eating, drinking, medicinal, and health habits of the tribe and could find nothing to explain the phenomenon. Eventually, they found the problem in the very walls of the houses these people lived in. The tribe built their homes from river mud, which contained a species of bug that carried a virus. By using this mud for the walls of their home, they were literally building houses of death. Upon discovering this, the anthropologists sat down with the elders of the tribe to reveal their findings. The elders dismissed the anthropologists so they could decide on the issue. They later told the anthropologists they had decided to do nothing--it would be too difficult to find a new way of building shelter. It was the only way the tribe knew.


From the Boiler Room to the Living Room

Tags: custom

We need a sexier term for retirement. It doesn't fit anymore.


The New Retirementality

Tags: retirement

The selling of financial advice can be a noble trade. But it cannot be noble if it is simply a masquerade for a financial carnival act.


From the Boiler Room to the Living Room