quotations about baths & bathing

Gideon Shaw was reclining in a slipper tub that had been set near the fire, his head leaning back against the mahogany rim, one long leg dangling carelessly over the side. He held an ice-filled glass in his hand, his gaze arrowing to hers as he took a swallow. Steam rose in veils from the bathwater, condensing on the golden curvature of his shoulders. Droplets glistened on the amber curls of his chest.


Again the Magic

Rubber Duckie you're the one
You make bath time lots of fun
Rubber Duckie I'm awfully fond of you


Sesame Street

I wanted a bath, even if it were dust. A strigil to scrape the skin that I couldn't crawl out of.


Desert Fathers, Uranium Daughters

Her hair's still wet from her bath,
She's sitting on her front porch with a glass,
Of iced tea,
In my sweatshirt,
And her bare feet,
This I gotta see.
If I hurry I can catch,
The colors on her skin from that sunset,
And her face,
And that love waiting on me


"This I Gotta See"

If a man bathes at sunrise, his sins are forgiven. If a man bathes at noon, he is merely purified. If a man bathes in the afternoon his bathing is like a Malech's bathing. If a man bathes in the evening, that bathing is the sign of wrath of God. If a man bathes in the midnight, he is a sinner. If a man does not bathe at all, he is as great a sinner as slaughterer of all the living beings. These are the rules of bathing.


Sakhee Book

Baths suck, but if you want to be invited into a woman's bed, you can't stink.


The Cowboy Next Door

To most modern Western sensibilities, communal bathing is an alien concept. Public bathhouses are today generally associated with licentiousness and sexual promiscuity. Due in part to the thorough dissemination of efficient hydraulic and heating systems and also to a long-standing Christian heritage of abhorrence of bodily functions and public nudity, most Westerners bathe privately in their own homes. The same is not true the world over, however.


Bathing in Public in the Roman World