quotations about life

Our lives fade behind us before we die.


Rabbit is Rich

Tags: John Updike

Flirting with death is the spice of life.


Twice Dead

Tags: Margaret Lock

Life and the world, or whatever we call that which we are and feel, is an astonishing thing. The mist of familiarity obscures from us the wonder of our being. We are struck with admiration at some of its transient modifications, but it is itself the great miracle. What are changes of empires, the wreck of dynasties, with the opinions which supported them; what is the birth and the extinction of religious and of political systems to life? What are the revolutions of the globe which we inhabit, and the operations of the elements of which it is composed, compared with life? What is the universe of stars, and suns, of which this inhabited earth is one, and their motions, and their destiny, compared with life? Life, the great miracle, we admire not, because it is so miraculous. It is well that we are thus shielded by the familiarity of what is at once so certain and so unfathomable, from an astonishment which would otherwise absorb and overawe the functions of that which is its object.


"On Life", Essays and Letters

Tags: Percy Bysshe Shelley

In a life without obstacles he would doubtless have abandoned himself to chance and to the voluptuous sauntering of adolescence. As he could be free only for an hour or two a day, his strength flowed into that space of time like a river between walls of rock. It is a good discipline for art for a man to confine his efforts between unshakable bounds. In that sense it may be said that misery is a master, not only of thought, but of style; it teaches sobriety to the mind as to the body. When time is doled out and thoughts measured, a man says no word too much, and grows accustomed to thinking only what is essential; so he lives at double pressure, having less time for living.



Tags: Romain Rolland

Life is not a mere exterior movement, the movement of the being in its relations to other beings, but it is also, and especially, an internal movement from the visible to the invisible, from the real to the ideal, from the finite to the infinite.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: Sabine Baring-Gould

Only the person who has experienced light and darkness, war and peace, rise and fall, only that person has truly experienced life.


The World of Yesterday

Study more how to die than how to live; if you would live till you were old, live as if you were to die when you are young.


Thoughts Moral and Divine

Tags: Wellins Calcott

A stream roars downward to a hidden sea
That slumbers moonless, starless, without bound,
Whence comes nor voice, nor form, nor any sound:
The stream is Life, the sea--Eternity.



Tags: William Wilsey Martin

He is dead already who doth not feel
Life is worth living still.


"Is Life Worth Living?", Lyrical Poems

Tags: Alfred Austin

When people say that they are happy with their lives, they do not usually mean that they are literally joyful, or experiencing pleasure, all the time. They mean that, upon reflection on the balance sheet of pleasures and pains, they feel the balance to be reasonably positive over the long term.


Happiness: The Science Behind Your Smile

Tags: Daniel Nettle

The world is a grindstone and life is your nose.


attributed, The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes

Tags: Fred Allen

Work, whiskey, and cards were life.


The Education of Henry Adams

Tags: Henry Adams

Sounds of life and movement, people getting ready and people giving up, the sound of hope and the sound of hanging on, and behind them all, the quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks...


The Rum Diary

Tags: Hunter S. Thompson

All of life is a foreign country.


letter, June 24, 1949

Tags: Jack Kerouac

One of my teachers in grammar school, a nun, used to say, "La vie, c'est bien complique." I'm not sure what that meant to me at the time, but it's become the guiding principle of my life, my writing, my interactions with others. Life is very complicated indeed, and that's what makes it both difficult and interesting. Stereotypes, racism, xenophobia -- most negativity in the world comes out of the natural human desire to oversimplify. Life isn't simple.


"A talk with author Jeannette Angell: From college lecturer to callgirl and back", Souixland, Oct. 8, 2004

Tags: Jeannette Angell

The advantage of literature over life is that its characters are clearly defined, and act consistently.


"Reginald Blake, Financier and Cad"

Life is a dance. To master it, we must master the rhythm of our lives.


"In the Rhythm of Life, Timing is Everything", Huffington Post, August 19, 2016

For life, with all it yields of joy and woe,
And hope and fear (believe the aged friend),
Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love--
How love might be, hath been indeed, and is.


A Death in the Desert

The unfairness of life is indicative of trees. I planted twenty trees on the same block. It's so fucking weird. Six became huge. One is giant. And there are some little shitty ones. Same soil. Same water. Same seed. But those little ones just don't grow. I can't explain it.


Esquire, Nov. 2011

Tags: Tim Allen

Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments.


diary, winter, 1931-32