quotations about love

love quote

LOVE.--A sentiment we all entertain for ourselves, and occasionally imagine others entertain for us.


The Maxims of Marmaduke

All passions make us commit some faults, love alone makes us ridiculous.


Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims

Some people, right away, do know each other deeply. Love gives them insight into each other. Love makes them pledge themselves to each other. Love makes them inventive. Yes, it also makes them ridiculous. But that's just another of love's glories. It makes being ridiculous permissible.


"Should we scoff at the idea of love at first sight?", The Conversation, August 30, 2018

James Kuzner is Associate Professor of English at Brown University. With a specialty in early modern literature, his research tends to focus on the relationship between literature, selfhood, and political imagination.

Running like a river trying to find the ocean
Flowers in the concrete
Climbing over fences, blooming in the shadows
Places that you can't see
Coming through the melody when the night bird sings
Love is a wild thing, yeah


"Love Is a Wild Thing"

Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste.


Lady Oracle

Margaret Atwood (born November 18, 1939) is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, teacher, environmental activist, and inventor. Her works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics".

Tags: Margaret Atwood

Love -- bittersweet, irrepressible -- loosens my limbs and I tremble.


"To Atthis"

Sappho (c. 630 - c. 570 BC) was a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. Although most of her poetry is now lost, she was regarded in ancient times as one of the greatest lyric poets and given names such as the "Tenth Muse" and "The Poetess," just as Homer was called "the Poet."

Tags: Sappho

Love does nothing but make you weak! It turns you into an object of pity and derision--a mewling pathetic creature no more fit to live than a worm squirming on the pavement after a hard summer rain.


The Vampire Who Loved Me

Tags: Teresa Medeiros

Do they still call it infatuation? That magic ax that chops away the world in one blow, leaving only the couple standing there trembling? Whatever they call it, it leaps over anything, takes the biggest chair, the largest slice, rules the ground wherever it walks, from a mansion to a swamp, and its selfishness is its beauty.... People with no imagination feed it with sex -- the clown of love. They don't know the real kinds, the better kinds, where losses are cut and everybody benefits. It takes a certain intelligence to love like that -- softly, without props.



Tags: Toni Morrison

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my heart
Love is blindness


"Love Is Blindness", Achtung Baby

Tags: U2

Like thunder needs rain
Like a preacher needs pain
Like tongues of flame
Like a sweet stain
Need your love
I need your love


"Hawkmoon 269", Rattle and Hum

Sex is the joining of two bodies; love is the joining of two souls.


Making Love

Gary Demonte Chapman (born January 10, 1938) is an American author, radio talk show host, and the senior associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is most noted for his book The Five Love Languages, which outlines five general ways that romantic partners express and experience love.

Tags: Gary D. Chapman

Love, amid the other graces of this world, is like a cathedral tower, which begins at the earth and at the first is surrounded by the other parts of the structure. But at length, rising above buttresses, wall and arch, and parapet and pinnacle, it shoots, spire-like, many a foot right into the air, so high that the huge cross on its summit glows like a spark in the morning light, and shines like a star in the evening sky, when the rest of the pile is enveloped in darkness. So love here is surrounded by the other graces, and divides the honors with them; but they will have felt the wrap of night and of darkness, when it will shine, luminous, against the sky of eternity.


Life Thoughts

I dream of a love that is more than two people craving to possess one another.


When Nietzsche Wept

Tags: Irvin D. Yalom

To go through life without love is to travel through the world in a carriage with closed windows.



I try to keep deep love out of my stories because, once that particular subject comes up, it is almost impossible to talk about anything else. Readers don't want to hear about anything else. They go gaga about love. If a lover in a story wins his true love, that's the end of the tale, even if World War III is about to begin, and the sky is black with flying saucers.


The Paris Review, spring 1977

Tags: Kurt Vonnegut

Without warning
as a whirlwind
swoops on an oak
Love shakes my heart


Without Warning

Sappho (c. 630 - c. 570 BC) was a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. Although most of her poetry is now lost, she was regarded in ancient times as one of the greatest lyric poets and given names such as the "Tenth Muse" and "The Poetess," just as Homer was called "the Poet."

What is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man nor Devil nor any thing, that I hold as suspect as love, for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing. Nothing exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does. Therefore, unless you have those weapons that subdue it, the soul plunges through love into an immense abyss.


The Name of the Rose

indeed how love in other
ways so particular
will pick a corner
in that charnel-house
tidy it and coil up there, perhaps
even fall asleep--her face
turned to the wall!


Attento, Soul Brother!

Tags: Chinua Achebe

Every little thing wants to be loved.


The Secret Life of Bees

Tags: Sue Monk Kidd

Desire doubled is love and love doubled is madness.


The Beauty of the Husband

Tags: Anne Carson