quotations about love

I think love and hate are really the same thing. They're what you feel when someone matters more to you than anything else; more than yourself, even.


Evil for Evil

Love fattens on smooth words.


Me: Stories of My Life

Tags: Katharine Hepburn

Love is an immortal wound that cannot be closed up. A person loses something, a part of her soul, when she loves someone. And she goes about looking for that lost part of her soul, for she knows that otherwise she is incomplete and cannot be at rest. It is only when she is with the person she loves that she becomes complete again in herself; but the moment he leaves, she loses that part which he has taken with him and knows no rest till she has found him once more.


Moment in Peking

Tags: Lin Yutang

Our love is simply about us being together, hand in hand, for the small, daily joys in the world around us.


"True Love Is Built In The Simple Moments", Huffington Post, October 22, 2017

You don't need scores of suitors. You need only one ... if he's the right one.


Little Women

The Eskimo has fifty-two names for snow because it is important to them; there ought to be as many for love.



Margaret Atwood (born November 18, 1939) is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, teacher, environmental activist, and inventor. Her works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics".

Tags: Margaret Atwood

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.


The Complete Neurotic's Notebook

When we consider the lofty character of love, and remember his wonderful helpfulness to man, it would seem that he could have no opposition in his work, nor enemies under the sun; yet there is a whole bunch of fellows who are constantly antagonizing love. Among them are anger, hatred, revenge, envy, and jealousy. Love will have no fellowship with these, and if any one of them is admitted into the heart love goes out.


Helps to Happiness

Love wasn't the soft, silky words the poets spoke of. Love, with it's twin edges, was the one factor that weakened so many women, that pushed them to compromise their own wants, their own needs for the needs and wants of another.


Sweet Revenge

I loved a being, an idea of my own mind, which had no real existence. I concreted this abstract of perfection, I annexed this fictitious quality to the idea presented by a name; the being, whom that name signified, was by no means worthy of this. This is the truth: Unless I am determinedly blind -- unless I am resolved causelessly and selfishly to seek destruction, I must see it. Plain! is it not plain? I loved a being; the being, whom I loved, is not what she was; consequently, as love appertains to mind, and not body, she exists no longer. I regret when I find that she never existed, but in my mind; yet does it not border on willful deception, deliberate, intentional self-deceit, to continue to love the body, when the soul is no more?


letter to Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Jun. 2, 1811

You see, love is strong. Stronger than hate even. Love is the only thing that can kill hate, nothing else. You see, hate destroys and that's why love is stronger. It builds.


The Path of Thunder

Tags: Peter Abrahams

It is not love that he feels for me. It is more like a constant resentment that has become such a habit to him that to have it removed, like an aching tooth, brings him no relief.


The Boleyn Inheritance

Love is an inevitable part of the human experience, and ironically, the least understood.


"I Hypothalamus You: Love Is In the Brain Not Heart", iDiva, August 4, 2016

Love for those too easily won does not last long.


Love is like a wind stirring the grass beneath trees on a black night.... You must not try to be definite and sure about it and to live beneath the trees, where soft night winds blow, the long hot day of disappointment comes swiftly and the gritty dust from passing wagons gathers upon lips inflamed and made tender by kisses.


"Death", Winesburg, Ohio

Tags: Sherwood Anderson

Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies.


Tags: Swedish proverbs

Love easily confuses us because it is always in flux between illusion and substance, between memory and wish, between contentment and need.


Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Tom Robbins (born July 22, 1932) is an American novelist best known for his novel Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, which was made into a movie in 1993 starring Uma Thurman, Lorraine Bracco, and Keanu Reeves.

Tags: Tom Robbins

People who are having a love-sex relationship are continuously lying to each other because the very nature of the relationship demands that they do, because you have to make a love object of this person, which means that you editorialize about them. You know? You cut out what you don't want to see, you add this if it isn't there. And so therefore you're building a lie.


Truman Capote: Conversations

All or nothing at all, the true lover says, and that's the truth of it. My love will never die, he says. He claims eternity. And rightly. How can it die when it's life itself? What do we know of eternity but the glimpse we get of it when we enter in that bond?


The Other Wind

Ursula K. Le Guin (October 21, 1929 - January 22, 2018) was an American author best known for her works of speculative fiction. Her literary career spanned nearly sixty years, yielding more than twenty novels and over a hundred short stories, in addition to poetry, literary criticism, translations, and children's books.

Love is a word from the old poems you read. In real life there is no love. Men come together like apes and birds. It is sweet sometimes to play with a woman, but the wind blows and there is an end of it.


Love and Death in Bali

Tags: Vicki Baum