quotations about marriage

Propose not to a woman when she hath gotten a new frock, nor when she is puffed up with victories; when she reigneth and rejoiceth in her hour of triumph, come not nigh unto her; but when she be ill or weary, when she is cast down in spirit and needeth a comforter, then be thou ready, and make thy suit.


The Maxims of Methuselah

Tags: Gelett Burgess

When a girl marries, she exchanges the attentions of all the other men of her acquaintance for the inattention of just one.


Reflections of a Bachelor Girl

Tags: Helen Rowland

When a match has equal partners, then I fear not.


Prometheus Bound

Tags: Aeschylus

[Marriage] is the merciless revealer, the great white searchlight turned on the darkest places of human nature.


The Days Before

Tags: Katherine Anne Porter

A man and a woman who, in their young days, agree to have done with sentimental life thereby renounce the search for adventure, the intoxication of new encounters, and the amazing refreshment produced by falling in love again. Their most vital source of energy is cut off; they are doomed to premature insensibility. Their life, scarcely begun, is finished. Nothing can break the monotony of an existence made up of burdens and duties. No further hope, no surprises, no conquests. Their one love will soon be tainted by the cares of housekeeping and the children's education. They will reach old age without ever having known the joys of youth. Marriage destroys romantic love which alone could justify it.


An Art of Living

Tags: André Maurois

A single life is doubtless preferable to a married one, where prudence and affection do not accompany the choice; but where they do, there is no terrestrial happiness equal to the married state.


Thoughts Moral and Divine

Tags: Wellins Calcott

But the child, how is it to be protected, if not for marriage? After all, is not that the most important consideration? The sham, the hypocrisy of it! Marriage protecting the child, yet thousands of children destitute and homeless. Marriage protecting the child, yet orphan asylums and reformatories overcrowded, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children keeping busy in rescuing the little victims from "loving" parents, to place them under more loving care, the Gerry Society. Oh, the mockery of it! Marriage may have the power to bring the horse to water, but has it ever made him drink? The law will place the father under arrest, and put him in convict's clothes; but has that ever stilled the hunger of the child? If the parent has no work, or if he hides his identity, what does marriage do then? It invokes the law to bring the man to "justice," to put him safely behind closed doors; his labor, however, goes not to the child, but to the State. The child receives but a blighted memory of his father's stripes.


"Marriage and Love", Anarchism and Other Essays

Tags: Emma Goldman

I'll suffer no daughter of mine to play the fool with her heart, indeed! She shall marry for the purpose for which matrimony was ordained amongst people of birth--that is, for the aggrandisement of her family, the extending of their political influence--for becoming, in short, the depository of their mutual interest. These are the only purposes for which persons of rank ever think of marriage.



Tags: Susan Ferrier

Life throws something different at every couple. I've noticed that even just with the small things, we have a choice on how we will face the good times and bad, plus everything in between. Sometimes these experiences leave lasting marks that help us hone certain skills that wouldn't naturally appear in a vacuum. Along the way, you will develop the rituals, traditions, habits, and values that make your marriage unique.


"Why I Stopped Comparing My Marriage to My Parents' Marriage", Verily Mag, November 30, 2017

Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership.



Tags: Andrea Dworkin

She is always married too soon, who gets a bad husband, and she is never married too late, who gets a good one.


Moll Flanders

Tags: Daniel Defoe

There is almost no marital problem that can't be helped enormously by taking off your clothes.


"The Old Scout", The Writer's Almanac, October 4, 2005

Tags: Garrison Keillor

You're married, and suddenly you have your own family. There's a nice comfort in that. That part of your life is certain ... You've got your home in that other person.


Good Housekeeping, October 2010

Tags: Scarlett Johansson

A marriage bound together by commitments to exploit the other for filling one's own needs (and I fear that most marriages are built on such a basis) can legitimately be described as a "tic on a dog" relationship. Just as a hungry tic clamps on to a nourishing host in anticipation of a meal, so each partner unites with the other in the expectation of finding what his or her personal nature demands. The rather frustrating dilemma, of course, is that in such a marriage there are two tics and no dog!


The Marriage Builder

Tags: Larry Crabb

All of us, at least unconsciously, marry in the hope of healing our wounds. Even if we do not have a traumatic background, we still have hurts and unfilled needs that we carry inside. We all suffer from feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, and inadequacy. No matter how nurturing our parents were, we never received enough attention and love. So in marriage we look to our spouse to convince us that we are worthwhile and to heal our infirmities.


Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Tags: Leslie S. Parrott

Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.


Marriage that daily doom.


Rabbit is Rich

Tags: John Updike

One hundred percent of divorces start with a marriage.


Laugh Your Way To a Better Marriage

Tags: Mark Gungor

A successful marriage is the result of falling in love often--with the same person.


The Complete Book of Zingers

If you have the least doubt about it, do not marry.


The Use of Life

Tags: John Lubbock