quotations about society

In his long evolutionary history, man has scored few greater successes than his creation of human society. For it is on that primeval achievement that he has built those special qualities of mind and of behaviour which, in his own view at least, separate him from lower forms of life. If we sometimes tend to overlook this fact it is only because we have lived so long under the protective ambience of society that we have come to take its benefits for granted.


Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays

Tags: Chinua Achebe

Hitherto, every form of society has been based ... on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes.


The Communist Manifesto

Tags: Karl Marx

Society is immoral and immortal; it can afford to commit any kind of folly, and indulge in any sort of vice; it cannot be killed, and the fragments that survive can always laugh at the dead.


The Education of Henry Adams

Tags: Henry Adams

How to gain the advantages of society, without at the same time losing ourselves, is a question of no slight difficulty. The wise man often follows the crowd at a little distance, in order that he may not come suddenly upon it, nor become entangled with it, and that he may with some means of amusement maintain a clear and quiet pathway.


Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd

Tags: Arthur Helps

No social stability without individual stability.


Brave New World

Tags: Aldous Huxley

Without some portion of moral virtues, not even thieves can maintain society.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Those who suffer their happiness to depend on the futile pleasures of society, instead of the resources of their own minds, resemble birds, who, with the power of soaring into the pure regions of the sky, descend, and loiter amid the dust of the earth, at the risk of being snared or destroyed by every vagrant urchin.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Gold is the key to society; but poverty its barrier.



Tags: William Scott Downey

Society is indeed a contract. Subordinate contracts for objects of mere occasional interest may be dissolved at pleasure -- but the state ought not to be considered as nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern, to be taken up for a little temporary interest, and to be dissolved by the fancy of the parties. It is to be looked on with other reverence; because it is not a partnership in things subservient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature. It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are to be born.


Reflections on the Revolution in France

Tags: Edmund Burke

Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate oddfellow society.



Tags: Henry David Thoreau

Parts of a machine
Modern day slavery
Dehumanizing control
Wasted lives fading
Sick Society System
Sick Society System
System of survival



Society is addicted to growth, and that's having terrible consequences for the planet and, increasingly, for us as well. We have to change our collective and individual behavior and give up something we depend on--power over our environment. We must restrain ourselves, like an alcoholic foreswearing booze. That requires honesty and soul-searching.


"Systemic Change Driven by Moral Awakening Is Our Only Hope", EcoWatch, August 14, 2017

At present society is composed, not so much of men and women, as of the raw material of men and women, which it will be the office of a higher civilization to work up into the forms of a truer manhood and womanhood.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

God designed men to grow as trees grow in open pastures, full-boughed all around; but men in society grow like trees in forests, tall and spindling, the lower ones overshadowed by the higher, with only a little branching, and that at the top. They borrow of each other the power to stand; and if the forest be cleared, and one be left alone, the first wind which comes uproots it.


Life Thoughts

Socially we are woven into the fabric of society, where every man is like one thread in a piece of cloth. No single thread has a right to say, "I will stay here no longer," and draw out. No man has a right to make a hole in the well-woven fabric of society.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher

As long as society is absolutely divided as milk is, the cream being at the top and the impoverished milk at the bottom, so long will society be unbalanced, and liable to be thrown into convulsions out of which will spring wars. A circulation throughout keeps it in health.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

And therefore God created only one single man, not, certainly, that he might be a solitary bereft of all society, but that by this means the unity of society and the bond of concord might be more effectually commended to him, men being bound together not only by similarity of nature, but by family affection. And indeed He did not even create the woman that was to be given him as his wife, as he created the man, but created her out of the man, that the whole human race might derive from one man.


The City of God

Tags: St. Augustine

Sanity means the wholeness of the consciousness.
And our society is only part conscious, like an idiot.



Tags: D. H. Lawrence

I suppose Society is wonderfully delightful.
To be in it is merely a bore. But to be out of it is simply a tragedy.


A Woman of No Importance

Man seeketh in society comfort, use, and protection.


Advancement of Learning

Tags: Francis Bacon