quotations about the soul

To find a noble human soul is gain; it is nobler to keep it; and the noblest and most difficult is to save that which is already lost.


Der gerettete Jüngling

Human beings frequently speak of their soul without, however, having the slightest comprehension of what the soul and its attributes really are. Only those who possess spiritual illumination, who have attained to the degree of mastership in psychic unfoldment can speak authoritatively on this subject. In order to give my readers a slight comprehension of the soul and its attributes, I quote from a book titled "The Light of Egypt," by T. H. Burgoyne (now out of print): "The soul is formless and intangible, and constitutes the attributes of the divine spirit: therefore, we can only conceive and know the soul by learning the powers or attributes of the spirit. To illustrate, take a ray of light. What do we know concerning it? Nothing, except by its action upon something else. This action we term the attributes of light. In themselves the attributes of light are formless, but they may easily be rendered visible, either by their colors when refracted by the prism, or by their effects when concentrated upon material objects. This may be termed the soul of the ray of light. The organism of man gives us another example. Man possesses five external senses, viz: seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting and smelling. In reality he has seven senses which can be used externally. All our knowledge concerning external phenomena must come at present through the mediumship of one or more of the five physical senses. The organs through which the function of the senses become manifest are visible, but the senses themselves are invisible and formless. We know them only as the attributes of the body; while the mind, which is perfectly and absolutely dependent upon the senses for information, well represents the spiritual Ego in its relation to the soul. The soul is formless and intangible, and can only be defined as the attribute of spirit. One cannot exist without the other; they cannot be called the same; there is the same difference between them as between a ray of light and its action and between the body and its physical senses.


"The Soul", Human Life from Many Angles

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.


attributed, Kinship with the Animals

Tags: Anatole France

The soul, like the body, acquires vigor by the exercise of all its faculties. In the midst of the world, in overcoming difficulties, in conquering selfishness, indolence, and fear--in all the occasions of duty, it employs, and reveals by employing, energies that render it efficient and robust--that broaden its scope, adjust its powers, and mature it with a rich experience.


Living Words

Tags: E. H. Chapin

A man's soul ought to be as the heavens were on the night when the shepherds looked up, and saw them full of angels as well as stars.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

There's no such thing as a soul. It's just something they made up to scare kids, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.


The Simpsons

Tags: Simpsons quotes

Most men would gladly give their souls to the Devil, were he willing to accept them.


Unmoral Maxims

Tags: Abraham Miller

Well my soul Lord
My soul's got wings
My load is heavy
But I can still sing


"My Soul's Got Wings"

It is common, even in the pulpit, to hear the phrase, "Man has a soul;" and it is scarcely possible to avoid embodying this same thought sometimes in the phrase "man's soul," which is only an abbreviation. This phrase, however, expresses a falsehood. It is not true that man has a soul. Man is a soul. It would be more accurate to say that man has a body. We may say that the body has a soul, or that the soul has a body; as we may say that the ship has a captain, or the captain has a ship; but we ought never to forget that the true man is the mental and spiritual; the body is only the instrument which the mental and the spiritual uses.


A Study in Human Nature

Tags: Lyman Abbott

I count life just a stuff
To try the soul's strength on.


In a Balcony

Tags: Robert Browning

The soul is too great to know itself, yet each individual portion of the soul seeks this knowledge, and in the seeking creates new possibilities of development, new dimensions of actuality. The individual self at any given moment can connect with its soul.


Seth, Dreams & Projections of Consciousness

Life, with the Soul predominant,
Is a noble mosaic, a bewitching arabesque.


"The Song of the Soul"

Within the human soul lie depths as deep
As ever slept within the ocean's breast,
And heights that rise beyond the breaker's crest
In the vain wish to pass their narrow bound.


"The Depths"

Tags: Martha Lavinia Hoffman

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers


"Goodnight Lovers"

Soul is a feeling, feeling deep within
Soul is not the colour of your skin
Soul is the essence, essence from within
It is where everything begins



Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions, the concept of a soul without a body seem to me to be empty and devoid of meaning.


attributed, Albert Einstein: The Human Side

Tags: Albert Einstein

The attributes of the spirit which we term the soul, bear a perfect correspondence to the physical senses of the body. That is, the soul bears exactly the same relation to the spirit as the physical senses to the human brain. Thus we have the physical and the spiritual senses. The physical are simply a reflection of the spiritual; they are two halves of the same attribute--the internal and the external. We see the intelligence, the mind, which at the back of the senses utilizes and tabulates the impressions it has received as the outer world, the world which it is itself powerless to penetrate. The mind is something above and beyond the senses, though it is absolutely dependent upon them. It is the same with the soul and the spirit. Evolve the states from within and without will take care of itself. Let us remember that the material life of man is only one second of his existence, and that it is one of the most unprofitable things in the world to be selfish. Purity is the great touchstone, and as Jesus has truly observed, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."


"The Soul", Human Life from Many Angles

In this way the Soul deliberately labours for growth; deliberately it works at itself, purifying always the lower nature with unceasing effort and with untiring demand; for ever it is comparing itself not with those who are below it but with Those who are above it, ever it is raising its eyes towards Those who have achieved.


In the Outer Court

Tags: Annie Besant

It is only God who can satisfy the soul.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

For our soul is so preciously loved of him that is highest, that it over-passeth the knowing of all creatures.


Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

Tags: Julian of Norwich