quotations about writing

You might get the impression that I have a mild contempt for storytelling, which is only somewhat true. For example, I really like Agatha Christie. She obeys the rules of the genre at first, but then occasionally she manages to do very personal things. In my case, I think I start from the opposite point. At first, I don't obey, I don't plot, but then from time to time, I say to myself, Come on, there's got to be a story. I control myself. But I will never give up a beautiful fragment merely because it doesn't fit in the story.


The Paris Review, fall 2010

Tags: Michel Houellebecq

I do everything they tell you not to. I go back and fix things as I go, otherwise I can't move forward. I don't write every day, I write in binges. I don't write drafts, what I write, fixed as I go, is pretty much what gets published. Everybody writes differently, and there are a lot of people who want everybody to write in the same way, people who have a lot invested in telling people to write a whole crappy first draft and then revise it, and so on. That absolutely doesn't work for me. I tell people there are things they can try, and things that might help, but there aren't any rules, except to do what works for you, what gets the story on the page.


interview, RT Book Reviews

Tags: Jo Walton

I'm not interested in writing short stories. Anything that doesn't take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing.


The Washington Post, November 13, 2009

It's not a bad thing for a man to have to live his life--and we nearly all manage to dodge it. Our first round with the Sphinx may strike something out of us--a book or a picture or a symphony; and we're amazed at our feat, and go on letting that first work breed others, as some animal forms reproduce each other without renewed fertilization. So there we are, committed to our first guess at the riddle; and our works look as like as successive impressions of the same plate, each with the lines a little fainter; whereas they ought to be--if we touch earth between times--as different from each other as those other creatures--jellyfish, aren't they, of a kind?--where successive generations produce new forms, and it takes a zoologist to see the hidden likeness.


"The Legend", Tales of Men and Ghosts

Tags: Edith Wharton

Making a book is a craft, like making a clock; it needs more than native wit to be an author.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite, don't be precious about your first draft, it's an architectural blueprint to a whole building, be your own worst critic, confront your weakness and remember it's a craft.


interview, Booktopia, February 22, 2011

Tags: Tobsha Learner

The art of writing is not, as many seem to imagine, the art of bringing fine phrases into rhythmical order, but the art of placing before the reader intelligible symbols of the thoughts and feelings in the writer's mind.


The Principles of Success in Literature

Tags: George Henry Lewes

There's no such thing as perfect writing, just like there's no such thing as perfect despair.


Hear the Wind Sing

Tags: Haruki Murakami

Too much is written by the men who can't write about the men who do write.


Martin Eden

Tags: Jack London

What separates the professionally successful ... from all the rest is their ability to stay steady, to have stamina. It is one thing to write a good sentence, another to write a good book.


interview, Identity Theory, February 12, 2005

Tags: Katy Lederer

When I write, I feel like an armless, legless man with a crayon in his mouth.


attributed, The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Literary Quotations

Tags: Kurt Vonnegut

When I'm writing I find it's the only time that I feel completely self-possessed, even when the writing itself is not going too well. It's fine therapy for people who are perpetually scared of nameless threats as I am most of the time.


The Paris Review, spring 1954

Writing has freed me from the despair of living.


The Paris Review, fall 1987

Tags: Anita Brookner

A great writer has a high respect for values. His essential function is to raise life to the dignity of thought, and this he does by giving it a shape.


The Art of Writing

Tags: André Maurois

Every experience shapes your writing, being stuck in a car on a lonely bridge, or dancing at a prom, being the it girl on the beach, all of those things influence your life, they influence how you write, and the topics you choose to write about.


Facebook post, October 13, 2012

Tags: Maya Angelou

He who will not listen to any advice, nor be corrected in his writings, is a rank pedant.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

I hardly ever work from a synopsis -- I find they act like chains.


Realms of Fantasy, August 2009

Tags: Tanith Lee

I think a good writer is a mix of confidence (sure that what they're writing is going to appeal to their readers) and uncertainty (what if all these words are crap?). If you're too confident, you get an attitude that seeps through into your writing, affecting the characters and the story. If you're too uncertain, you'll never finish anything.


interview with Kim Antieau, April 28, 2008

Tags: Charles de Lint

I'm glad that I didn't have the Internet when I started writing. I started writing when I was 20 and didn't show a word of it to anyone until I was 28. I had the sense to keep it to myself. Now the temptation with blogs and such, they're just getting it out there; maybe it would have been best to keep it to themselves.


interview, Bohemian, June 2009

I'm grateful when stories come in a rush, although I keep an eye on them afterwards, to see whether they hold together. It's harder to judge the ones that took so long to finish. With those, I've lost perspective. Mostly I'm just glad that I can be done with them.


"Words by Flashlight", Sybil's Garage, June 7, 2006

Tags: Kelly Link