quotations about writing

There is no way of writing well and also of writing easily.


Barchester Towers

Tags: Anthony Trollope

The process of creating is related to the process of dreaming although when you are writing you're doing it and when you're dreaming, it's doing you.


attributed, A Writer's Book of Days

Things may not be immediately discernible in what a man writes, and in this sometimes he is fortunate; but eventually they are quite clear and by these and the degree of alchemy that he possesses he will endure or be forgotten.


Nobel Prize speech, December 10, 1954

Tags: Ernest Hemingway

I have no pleasure in writing myself--none, in the mere act--though all pleasure in the sense of fulfilling a duty, whence, if I have done my real best, judge how heart-breaking a matter must it be to be pronounced a poor creature by critic this and acquaintance the other.


letter to Elizabeth Barrett, March 12, 1845

Everything you look at can be turned into a story ... you can make a tale of everything you touch.


"The Elder Tree Mother"

Tags: Hans Christian Andersen

A day in which I don't write leaves a taste of ashes.


attributed, Writers on Writing

Tags: Simone de Beauvoir

When I write, I go to live inside the book. By which I mean, mentally I can experience everything I'm writing about. I can see it, hear its sounds, feel its heat or rain. The characters become better known to me than the closest family or friends. This makes the writing-down part very simple most of the time. I only need to describe what's already there in front of me. That said, it won't be a surprise if I add that the imagined worlds quickly become entangled with the so-called reality of this one. Since I write almost every day, and I think (and dream) constantly about my work, it occurs to me I must spend more time in all these places than here.


author's note, Wolf Tower

In the end, the secret of writing is to be a tortoise, not a hare.


"Novelist explains how psychology training honed his writing", USC News, February 25, 2016

Few sensible authors are happy discussing the creative process -- it is, after all, black magic, and may lose its power if we look that particular gift horse too closely in the mouth.


introduction, Three Tall Women

Tags: Edward Albee

Crossing out is an art that is, perhaps, even more difficult than writing. It requires the sharpest eye to decide what is superfluous and must be removed. And it requires ruthlessness toward yourself -- the greatest ruthlessness and self-sacrifice. You must know how to sacrifice parts in the name of the whole.


Theme and Plot

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

You do have a leash, finally, as a writer. You're holding a dog. You let the dog run about. But you finally can pull him back. Finally, I'm in control. But the great excitement is to see what happens if you let the whole thing go. And the dog or the character really runs about, bites everyone in sight, jumps up trees, falls into lakes, gets wet, and you let that happen. That's the excitement of writing plays--to allow the thing to be free but still hold the final leash.


The Progressive, March 2001

Tags: Harold Pinter

I can't write five words but that I change seven.


The Paris Review, summer 1956

To finish is sadness to a writer--a little death. He puts the last word down and it is done. But it isn't really done. The story goes on and leaves the writer behind, for no story is ever done.


The Paris Review, fall 1975

Once somebody's aware of a plot, it's like a bone sticking out. If it breaks through the skin, it's very ugly.


The Paris Review, fall 1994

No reason at all why one should go on writing just for the sake of it. I think it is very important to stop when you haven't got anything to say.


The Paris Review, winter 2000

The trouble with writing fiction is that it has to make sense, whereas real life doesn't. It's incredibly annoying for us scribblers.


"Iain Banks: The Final Interview", The Guardian, June 14, 2013

Tags: Iain M. Banks

Failure has been my best friend as a writer. It tests you, to see if you have what it takes to see it through.


"Why I Write", The Guardian, March 28, 2008

I decided very early that I wanted to write. But I didn't think of it as a career. I didn't even think of it as a profession.... It was the most exciting thing, the most powerful thing, the most wonderful thing to do with my life. And I didn't question if I should -- I just kept sharpening the pencils!


The Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 1992

Tags: Mary Oliver

I didn't do anything as active as deciding that I wanted to be a writer. For one thing, I didn't feel like I was the final authority on whether or not I was anything like a writer. (I'm a timid soul.) I just kept writing stories, because becoming a veterinarian seemed as if it involved too much dissection.


"Words by Flashlight", Sybil's Garage, June 7, 2006

Tags: Kelly Link

I think that as a writer your responsibility is to search for and stir up the things that are in this world. There is violence in all of us, and beauty, and strength, and weakness. What's my job? To only write about the good and the beauty, or is it to write about all of it? That's my greater responsibility, to write about them as I see them and as they are.


"On Top of His Game: SLJ Interviews Margaret A. Edwards Award Winner Markus Zusak", School Library Journal, June 2, 2014

Tags: Markus Zusak