Anglican priest & novelist (1834-1924)

The rational conception of God is that He is; nothing more. To give Him an attribute is to make Him a relative God.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

Christ, comprehending in one the two natures, human and divine, being the union of the relative and the absolute, is therefore the living realization of that Ideal, infinite in itself, and infinite in each of its terms, which marks the phases of His eternal work. Mediator between the create and the uncreate, which are united in Himself, He is, in His Church, which is His body, the eternal harmonizer of all individual reasons in the unity of the Divine reason, or the Word made flesh, conceived and realized by the Spirit of infinite love, in whom all love is also universalized.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: love

Power is the exercise of superior force against a body that resists. Suppress the idea of resistance, and the idea of power disappears.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: exercise

Man and God being placed face to face, one as contingent, the other as absolute, the contingent lives as contingent and the absolute as absolute. To live as absolute, is to be at once the power and principle of life; to live as contingent is to live as effect, without ever being able to live as principle.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

Of love there are two sorts. The first is that whose highest manifestation is seen in the affection of the sexes. This is always egoistic. It arises from either sex being imperfect without the other; and it is the straining of one sex towards that other which will complete it, because alone it is unable to realize perfectly its nature.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: sex

In the family, from the first, the idea of authority has appeared. Protection and order are requisites of the family; and these cannot exist without recognition of an authority.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: authority

The liberty of the creature is at once alienable and inalienable; alienable because it depends on the will of the creature, and inalienable because it is absolutely willed by the Creator. It is alienable in fact, but inalienable by right. Natural right is the will of God, as it expresses itself in the essence of our reason, which is His workmanship. And as God alone is absolute, no pretended positive has any authority to contravene a natural right proceeding from Him.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

I have no intention of arguing for liberty, because I believe it to be an irrational verity, one which must be assumed, and which can never be demonstrated. Every one, the veriest sceptic included, believes in liberty, and believes in it naturally and invincibly. He cannot emancipate himself from the belief that he has a power of option between two courses of action, though he may have created a system in which he has demonstrated that liberty is impossible.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: liberty

Life is not a mere exterior movement, the movement of the being in its relations to other beings, but it is also, and especially, an internal movement from the visible to the invisible, from the real to the ideal, from the finite to the infinite.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

The whole theory of Christian ethics is an application of the law of love as the link, and of reason as the differentiator. There are duties owed to God, to one's self, and to other men. The duty owed to God is the recognition of Him.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

Reason is dependent on faith, and faith is helpless without reason. A belief of some sort underlies every system of thought. If we bore as deep as we can through systems, the deepest thing we reach is an undemonstrable thesis, which is accepted and believed in as a verity. It is the primary substance which is unaffected by the most corrosive acid so long as it remains uncombined.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: faith

When the creature takes full possession of the liberty it has received it becomes a person.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: liberty

Destroy the idea of God, and you destroy the idea of moral authority.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: authority

There is not a single right to be discovered without a duty from which it springs.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: duty

Because one man is a fool, is that reason why his friend ... should not be wise? Because one man throws away a diamond, why his comrade should not pick it up and wear it on his finger?



Tags: fool

Thus there opens out to man a magnificent prospect of advance in the acquisition of truth, beauty and goodness; for if these are three aspects of the Ideal, three indefinite realities never to be attained in their entirety, because by their nature they are infinite, the progress of man in science, art and virtue is without possible limit.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: art

The good, the true, and the beautiful, are three faces of the same ideal of perfection, the Infinite.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: perfection

The cravings of the soul of man before music and painting were discovered must have resembled the stutterings for impossible utterance in the dumb.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: music

Beauty warms, and Truth illumines.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: truth

To any one with artistic taste, poetic feeling, and refined perceptions, there is something inexpressibly sad in passing from a Catholic to a Protestant country, it is like passing from sunshine into mist, from mountain variety and beauty into fens, well-drained, cut into square fields, but intolerably monotonous.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: beauty