Anglican priest & novelist (1834-1924)

Every religion is the expression of a want of man's spiritual nature, however uncouth or exaggerated may be the form it assumes. This uncouthness or exaggeration is due to negation of correlative wants. The want itself is the strain after a truth, the hunger of the spiritual nature. The Incarnation assumes to satisfy every one of these wants, and therefore must become a web, of which all philosophies are the warp, and all religions are the woof.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: nature

To any one with artistic taste, poetic feeling, and refined perceptions, there is something inexpressibly sad in passing from a Catholic to a Protestant country, it is like passing from sunshine into mist, from mountain variety and beauty into fens, well-drained, cut into square fields, but intolerably monotonous.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: beauty

Consequently our idea of the Deity is that of the archetype of our own minds.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Man has no knowledge of things except by the thoughts present to his mind; that is, he can only know what is thinkable.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: knowledge

Evil eyes look out for occasion, therefore give none.



Worship is the language of belief.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: belief

To create is to love, to will the creature for itself. The creature is therefore willed as its own end. God wills that the creature should be. He wills it in the interest of the creature. He wills its good, and its good consists in the realization of its being.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

Time is duration; but duration without something to endure is an absurdity. There can be no time without something existing, whose relation to something else it expresses. Time has no proper existence, and separated from beings, is annihilated. Hence it follows that the infinity we attribute to time has no rational foundation. Infinite time is impossible, indefinite duration is possible.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: time

Christ is not simply God and man, but is God-man indivisibly and simultaneously; that is to say, He is at once the infinite, or the idea of the divine personality, and the finite, or the idea of the created personality. In Him the two personalities are not only welded together, and brought into reciprocal communion, but are emphasized and distinguished at the same time. Without Him the Absolute could not have called the finite into existence, for there would be no mode of passage from the timeless and spaceless, the imponderable and immaterial Being to matter, subject to extension, duration, and gravitation; apart from Him man could not enter into relation with God, for he would be the finite dislocated from the infinite, without connecting bridge.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: God

God, the infinite Being, arrives at the finite only through the eternal Word, the mediating moment; the creature, or the finite, can only lift itself towards the infinite by means of the same mediator.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

That Eve was Adam's second wife was a common Rabbinic speculation; certain of the commentators on Genesis having adopted this view to account for the double account of the creation of woman in the sacred text--first in Genesis i. 27, and secondly in Genesis ii. 18; and they say that Adam's first wife was named Lilith, but she was expelled from Eden, and after her expulsion Eve was created.


Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets and Other Old Testament Characters

Before the Fall, wheat grew to a tree with leaves like emeralds. The ears were red as rubies and the grains white as snow, sweet as honey, and fragrant as musk. Eve ate one of the grains and found it more delicious than anything she had hitherto tasted, so she gave a second grain to Adam. Adam resisted at first, according to some authorities for a whole hour, but an hour in Paradise was eighty years of our earthly reckoning. But when he saw that Eve remained well and cheerful, he yielded to her persuasions, and ate of the second grain which Eve had offered him daily, three times a day, during the hour of eighty years.


Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets and Other Old Testament Characters

Tags: leaves

My dear sir, if we only talked about what we understood, our conversation would be extremely limited.


Only a Ghost

Tags: conversation

Religion! you should have seen his face, he started at the word as if he had been shot.


Only a Ghost

What is all creation but an aspiration towards what it presupposes, the Infinite, from the atom to the globes that revolve in space, from the mineral to the man?


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Take a man, place him outside of all society, leave him to his own inspirations; he will do a little more than will an animal born at the same time, but he will not advance far in the study of the world and the appropriation of material for his use. He will begin like the first man, by taking the first step in civilization. If men were to succeed one another in isolation, each would be learning the alphabet of experimental truths, and none would be able to put the letters together into practical rules.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: civilization

Personality is, in fact, only a free being emphasizing and recognizing itself as such. Every man makes his own personality, he is to that extent his own creator.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: personality

God, the principle and the end of all, gives Himself to all to multiply indefinitely His gifts one by the other, and to distribute them, thus inimitably augmented, through each to all. Associated in this work of universal solidarity, we reunite all the scattered fragments of God's perfection manifested in ourselves.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: perfection

Evil is the rejection of the infinite for the finite.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

And as we perceive that virtue assumes a multitude of diverse forms, this variety discovered in intelligent beings convinces us that the most perfect Being is He who unites in Himself the greatest number, or the sum total, of all these perfections.


The Origin and Development of Religious Belief: Christianity

Tags: variety